saralynn 10th April 2020

22 years today since I last saw your little face your little arms legs and toes but that space where your little heart should be beating was still. My heart broke all over again I was sure this time would be different after losing your 2 brothers and 2 sisters this time it was going to be ok but sadly it wasn’t I blamed myself why couldn’t my body protect my beautiful boy? Why did it let me down again ? We will never know. But know this my son I will always think of you and wonder who you would have looked like , would you have my eyes ? Your daddies smile ? I hope you are happy up there with your brothers and sisters and your little niece Harper Tell your nanny Theresa and Granny Anne and Granda Billy that we love them and miss them. Sleep tight my forever baby boy Daniel 👼💙💔we love you Mummy and Daddy